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Creating new benchmarks in sustainability

Environment. Social. Governance.

Our sustainability initiatives focus on issues pertaining to the environment, social and governance.

From reducing our carbon footprint to introducing inclusive growth policies, we are committed to creating a better future for all.


We are fully dedicated to forging a green and sustainable future. Our target was to achieve 12.8 MW solar capacity by 2025. We are proud to note that we achieved that by 2023 and we are aiming for higher goals moving forward.

Energy saving

  • Installed 7.4 MWP rooftop solar capacity, aiming to expand to 20 MWP by December 2024, saving 10-15% energy costs for customers.
  • Use of energy-efficient retrofits such as LEDs for illumination, solar-powered street lights, and smart meters to monitor and optimise consumption.
  • Incorporation of passive features to maximise natural lighting and sustainable HVAC systems to reduce mechanical energy consumption.

Renewable Energy Use

  • Goal to achieve 35% renewable energy capacity.
  • Continue installation of solar panels on roof surfaces to reduce energy costs and help customers meet their carbon goals.


  • We are committed to preserving and enhancing the biodiversity across our parks and their surrounding areas.
  • Creation of large landscaped zones, shaded rest areas, urban forests, and lily ponds, and open gyms with the aim to absorb 30X more carbon dioxide and nurture eco-diversity.
  • For landscape, we plant trees indigenous to the geography that in turn nurture native wildlife.

Water management

  • Treating 100% of the grey water for landscaping and flushing.
  • Maximised stormwater retention with additional rainwater harvesting pits
  • Installed low flow plumbing fixtures to reduce freshwater utilisation.
  • Metering water to analyse and reduce water consumption at our parks and conducting regular, third-party water audits.

Waste management

  • Use of eco-friendly materials, such as incorporating fly-ash during construction.
  • Encouragement of good waste management practices with segregated waste bins, recycling, and onsite compost pits for horticulture waste.
  • Steel structures for durability and recyclability at the end of their lifecycle.


We are working towards achieving ISO certifications (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001) for operations.

Two of our parks have been IGBC Certified: Platinum for Bilaspur Park and Platinum Pre-Certification for Delhi II.

We are on track to get all operational parks IGBC-certified as green developments by 2025.


At Horizon, we believe that real progress happens when everyone benefits. We are committed to inclusive
growth by providing opportunities within our ecosystem for differently abled individuals.


We uphold our ethics and our responsibility towards our stakeholders by investing in training and implementation to ensure 100% compliance. We also encourage our vendors and suppliers to practise transparency and adhere to all laws and regulations.

We deploy a structured governance mechanism to cover all aspects of operational compliance:

  • Regular reviews via operational audits to maintain global standards and meet regulatory requirements in our facilities.
  • Submitting periodic environmental compliances for our operational parks.

We monitor our progress on ESG initiatives by:

  • Creating a detailed roadmap for digitisation of operations.
  • Tracking consumption of energy and water.
  • Conducting 3rd party audits on a yearly basis to assess CO2 and GHG emissions.
  • We comply with all statutory norms.
  • We conform to POSH Policy, Code of Conduct, and Compliance Manual.
  • We say no to vendors and contractors who engage in child labour, forced labour, bribery, and corruption.


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